Exploring The Benefits Of Commercial Insurance

For over 30 years, Integrity Advisors Agency LLC has helped San Antonio, TX residents find insurance coverage. We hope to provide excellent customer service to our clients as we help them find the coverage they need.

The Benefits Of Commercial Insurance

Operating a business can be stressful at times. You have to deal with a lot of unpredictable variables regularly. Commercial insurance will help you protect your asset and ensure that your business remains an important part of the San Antonio, TX economy. The policy protects your property if someone tries to steal or vandalize things. Your property is also protected if it is damaged due to a fire or natural disaster. Liability coverage protects your business if one of your customers is injured on your property. You can also add workers’ compensation to protect your business and your employees if there is an injury in the workplace.

Commercial insurance is beneficial in multiple ways. The policy gives you peace of mind during tough times. Under normal circumstances, any damage caused by a fire or natural disaster could cause huge losses to your business. However, commercial insurance helps ensure that your business will continue to operate regardless of the situation. Commercial insurance also protects your business if you are involved in litigation.

Commercial insurance also makes your business look credible. You want your customers to trust you and feel safe investing in your business. Having commercial insurance signals to your customers that this is a legit business. Workers’ compensation also helps you attract the best talent in the workforce. Your employees are the foundation of your business’ success. Workers’ compensation shows that you value the contributions of your employees.

Integrity Advisors Agency LLC Will Help You Protect Your Asset

Visit our website today to learn more information on commercial insurance.

Do I Need Commercial Insurance For My Etsy Business?

If you run an Etsy business in San Antonio, TX, the question of insurance comes down to a few factors.

  • Is this your primary income? If you are running an Etsy business as a way to make an extra hundred dollars a month, if it is essentially just a hobby that pays for yourself, it might be a little early to consider buying extensive commercial insurance. On the other hand, if this is how you make a living, how you pay your bills, then you certainly don’t want to leave it at risk.
  • How much volume is your business doing? If you are selling hundreds of items a month, then your level of risk is far more pronounced than that of many Etsy shop-owners.
  • What sort of equipment do you have on hand? It may be worth buying commercial insurance even for a small Etsy shop if you have thousands of dollars worth of tools, supplies, and equipment on hand. You don’t want to spend hundreds investing in a silkscreening setup only to find that your home insurer excludes business property.
  • Are there any special liability concerns associated with your product? Any product you could hope to sell comes with a certain degree of liability, and Etsy may provide some protection on your behalf. Still, if you are selling something that may be potentially hazardous, you will undoubtedly want to have adequate protection against lawsuits.

With many small businesses, it can be tricky to determine where the line is drawn between business and hobby. Still, once you cross that line, it’s time to call Integrity Advisors Agency and discuss buying a commercial insurance policy. Integrity Advisors Agency can get your San Antonio, TX business the protection it needs.